Maps showing conditions in the entire GYE.

Macro-Scale Mapping Initiatives

US - GYE Location

Map showing the GYE in context of the United States.

Macro Map 1


GYE - Land Management

The map shows different land management areas, such as national parks, national forests, wildlife refuges, and other protected areas. Each area is color-coded and labeled for easy identification, showing the range of efforts to protect the ecosystem.

Macro Map 2


GYE - Land Ownership

This map highlights who owns the land in the region, distinguishing between public and private lands. Public lands managed by federal agencies like the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management are clearly marked, showing the important role of government in protecting large areas of wilderness and wildlife habitat.

Macro Map 3


Paradise Valley - Land Ownership

This map also shows private lands, including ranches, farms, and homes, highlighting the connection between human settlement and wildlife areas. These ownership areas are important places where conservation efforts and economic activities intersect, showing the need for collaboration in managing the land.

Macro Map 4



Migration Maps